I'm Marius Nilsen Kluften.
Aweb developer based in Oslo. Working for Capra, crafting sweet web apps.
I graduated OsloMet with a degree in Computer Science in 2017. I'm currently working on a master's degree at the University of Oslo in the field of Informatics.
Check out my thesis project @ nebula.no, where I've developed a FaaS prototype powered by Rust and WebAssembly!
React, NextJS, Tailwind, Vitest and React Query are among my favorite technologies to work with on the frontend at the moment. On the backend I'm in love with Rust and Elixir, while proficient in Node as well.
I have three lovely pets, two british shorthairs: Linux and Gatsby, and a Shiba Inu - Neko.
Outside of work I can either be found in the kitchen, in front of a video game, around a board game or at a table of D&D. Maybe at our cottage.

Technical Proficiencies
- Programming languages: JavaScript/TypeScript, Elixir, Rust
- Frameworks: React, NextJS, Gatsby, Svelte, Phoenix, Actix
- State management: React-Query, Zustand, Redux
- Test frameworks: Jest, Vitest, RTL, Playwright, Cypress
- Web services: REST, GraphQL
Master, Informatics (part-time) 2022 - current
University of Oslo
Bachelor, Software Engineering 2014 - 2017
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
Capra, Senior Frontend Engineer Dec 2023 - Current
JProfessionals, Senior Developer Mar 2023 - Dec 2023
Stepped back into the realm of consulting and decided to bet on JPro. Here I created several internal applications, including overhuset.no, which was rebuilt entirely form scratch with SvelteKit and Tailwind.
Dr.Dropin, Fullstack developer Aug 2021 - Feb 2022
I wanted to try out inhouse and decided to go for Dr.Dropin, a startup that aims to disrupt the current state of our healthcare industry. I started as part of a completely new development department, and being the only frontend-focused full-stacker, I quickly ended up being responsible for most of the customer facing applications.
ITverket, Frontend developer Feb 2020 - July 2021
After working on ServiceNow with AngularJS for a while, I decided to follow my passion for modern web development and got the opportunity to do this at ITverket. Here I was hired as a front-end developer, and was able to dive deep into React and TypeScript.
Sopra Steria, Frontend developer Dec 2017 - Jan 2020
After the first semester, I decided to pause my studies and start full time as a ServiceNow consultant. During my time at Sopra Steria I worked as a web developer throughout the full stack of the ServiceNow platform.
Syscom, Consultant June 2017 - Nov 2017
Shortly after delivering and presenting my final project for my CS degree, I started working part time for Syscom as a consultant developing on the ServiceNow platform for their customers.